We'll Do Almost Anything

The general contractors in charge of the Fleet and Family Support Center in Guantanamo Bay needed training and technical assistance to get the job done. We are happy to oblige.

If you metal roof is giving you problems and just need to talk, give us a call.


Roof Problems

  • Screws have silicone bathroom caulk. Residue will interfere with coating adhesion.
  • Existing aluminized asphalt is brittle and will cause new coating to delaminate.
  • Leaks in several places on the roof.

What We Did

  • Scraped off all the silicone caulk over the screws.
  • Removed as much of the existing aluminized asphalt that will interfere with the coating.
  • Sealed all the seams and fasteners.
  • Applied PrimeLock Acrylic Primer over the entire roof.
  • Applied 30 dry mils of EnergyGuard Acrylic Coating.





Roof Coatings Done Right