With many leaks throughout the building, the owner was considering roof replacement but South Georgia Coatings talked him into spraying Lexis Silicone and restoring the roof. By us restoring his roof, he paid half the cost and solved every leak problem throughout the building.
This large metal building in Chickasaw, AL just got a new tenant and the property manager used Lexis Coatings to make sure that the roof completely leak-free.
Keeping a restaurant leak free can be a challenge. Aside from rooftop air-conditioning systems, there's also kitchen exhaust and grease filters create higher than normal maintenance foot traffic.
South Georgia Coatings was able to restore Imperial Aluminum's extremely rusted roof without the cost of replacing it. There was over 100 leaks to start out with and now there is 0. No matter how many leaks there might be, we will stop them all.
Duck Dynasty could never hide their roofing problems on the show until we came along. We restored the Duck Commander warehouse and installed a seamless metal roof coating. We sealed all the skylights, stopped all the leaks and greatly reduced cooling costs.
The general contractors in charge of the Fleet and Family Support Center in Guantanamo Bay needed training and technical assistance to get the job done. We are happy to oblige.
Numerous roof leaks inside the classrooms and gymnasium at Pineview Christian Academy in Belleville, GA are finally gone. South Georgia Coatings applied elastomeric roof coatings on this metal roof and backed it up with a 10 year warranty.
With leaks throughout the building, Texas A&M relied on South Georgia Coatings to restore their roof. South Georgia Coatings installed a seamless Lexis EnergyGuard Silicone Roof Coating over the entire metal roof. Not only did we fix all their leaks, but we also greatly reduced the heat on the inside. Glad we could help out the Aggies with all their roofing needs.